30. Min. Couching
This is a 30 minutes call, which I will help you answering any questions you might have, regarding creating your own style , tattooing, travelling and videos.
This call is enough to answer between 7 to 10 questions that will help you to elevate your career.
Total of investment 500€.
It can be booked for any day, mornings and evenings.
Request yours by filling up the form in this page or contact me directly by email:
1 Month Coaching
This is an online personal Mentorship.
I will be helping you to grow in your tattoo career , giving you advices , answering your questions and planning a strategy for your growth online.
It has a phone call of 1 hour and a half , once a week for 4 weeks.
Those phone calls, we will be planning together what you have to do for elevate your career, it will guide you with insight of what you have to change or starting doing to reach your goals , specially after the coaching is finished.
Perfect option for those who needs a Mentor.
Investment of 3 100 €
Payment can be split in 2 but it has to be booked 2 months prior.
Number of Calls 4, available for texting twice a week to keep communication flowing.
Request by filling up the form here in this page or contact me directly by email:
2 Days workshop in a group of 3
This is a perfect workshop for those who wants to absorb everything I have learned in those past 11 years tattooing .
It will guide you with the follow subjects:
Colour theory for tattoos
Tattoo technique
How to create your own style
Building a personal brand online
Those smalls groups helps you to connect, understand what you’re learning easier… is perfect for tattoo beginners (1 to 5 years tattooing) .
Investment of 2000€ to 2250€.
Payment can be split in 2 but has to be booked 2 months prior.
Workshops are announced on my instagram page , generally happens 2/3 times a year.
If you would like to inquire or have more informations , please fill up the form or send me a email:
5 Days Apprenticeship
This is for those who wants to dive deep in the tattoo world.
Perfect for tattoo beginners ( 0 to 5 years ).
For one week you’ll be following me , I will be teaching you personally:
Colour theory for tattoos
How to create your own style
How to build a personal brand
How to grow online
I will be showing you how I work , answering your questions and guiding you for when the course ends.
After it is finished ,
I will call you. Once a month for 2 months (total of 2 calls of 30 min. each ) to check if you need any help or have any question.
Investment 4 250€.
Payment can be split in 2, if booked 2 months prior starting the course.
For informations please fill up the form or contact me directly by email.
Content Creator 1 Day Workshop
This workshop will be available from May 2025 for everyone who wants to learn how to make videos more cinematic.
Everyone is welcome but this workshop was made for tattooers who wants to learn how to create videos for their social media , grow their personal brand but don’t know how to start.
Here I will be teaching you all you have to know to start creating videos alone and how to think as a video maker.
Nowadays videos is the best way to create connections and build a strong communication online. I want to show you that is easier than you think…
It will be 1 day workshop with 1 hour theory and 4 hours being creative… with my guide I will help you to understand the video concept and how to create a video that connects with your public.
Investment 1500€.
Group of 5 people. Availability will be posted on my instagram in may of 2025.
if you wanna know more about it , fill up the form here or contact me directly by email: